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Planning & Zoning Commission

The Planning & Zoning Commission advises the City Council on planning and zoning issues.  The Commission also reviews plats and other land subdivisions, site plans for commercial and industrial buildings, rezoning requests, variances, conditional use permits, and other land use issues.  Their recommendations then go to the Council for final action. 

The Commission consists of five members appointed by the City Council.  Terms are for three years, with appointments made in January.

Planning & Zoning Commission meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month.  These meetings are held at Lexington City Hall and begin at 7:00 p.m.
 Name  Position  Term
Jon Bautch  Chair Person 12/31/2023
 Gloria Murphy  Vice Chair Person 12/31/2024
Michelle Koch  Commission Member 12/31/2024
Ron Thorson Commission Member  12/31/2023
 Chuck Ogden Commission Member 12/31/2023

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