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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to questions relating to streets and utilities!


Am I allowed to park on the street overnight?
From November 1st to April 1st, the City of Lexington prohibits parking vehicles on any street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. without a parking permit issued by Lexington City Hall. 

At what point does the City declare a snow emergency?
From November 1st to April 1st, the City of Lexington prohibits parking vehicles on any street between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. without a parking permit issued by Lexington City Hall.  By ordinance, it is unlawful for any person to park a vehicle on any street after a continuous or intermittent snowfall during which there has been an accumulation of two (2) inches or more of snow until all snow, ice, and similar debris has been plowed or removed from the paved portion of the street.  Vehicles not adhering to this ordinance are subject to a parking ticket and towing at the owner's expense.

Do you replace mailboxes that are damaged by plows?
The City may provide a nominal dollar amount toward replacement if the blade of the plow damages your mailbox. If the damage is caused by the force of the snow being plowed the city is not considered to be responsible.


How do I apply for a parking permit in a "no parking" area?

Parking permits for a temporary time period are available at City Hall during the hours of 8:00 am ~ 4:30 pm Monday - Friday. 


How do I report a road needing repairs?

Call us at 763-784-6849 or feel free to use our online service request form.

How do I report a street light outage?
You can contact Xcel Energy at (800) 960-6235. Alternatively you can complete their online form. Please note that this form does require you to enter a phone number in the event more information is needed.

My water is discolored. Is it safe to drink?
Discolored water results when water traveling through the water mains reaches high enough velocities to stir the sediment lying in the bottom of the water mains. Water main breaks, fire fighting activities, and extremely high system demand are typical causes of discolored water. There are no health risks associated with this type of problem, as the particulate matter causing the discoloration is are not harmful. If you experience this problem, the easiest way to eliminate the discolored water from your system is to run as many cold water faucets, including bath tubs, sinks, and outside spigots, as possible at the same time. This will create a high enough flow rate from the water main to your home to clear out any sediment which may have found its way into your service line. If the problem does not clear up within a few minutes, it is possible that the sediment in the water main has not settled out yet. In this case, wait an hour or so and try it again. For more information on water quality standards in Minnesota check out the EPA web-site.


When are road restrictions in effect?
In general, spring load restrictions begin in late February to mid-March and are lifted around mid-May. However, this time-frame is based on weather conditions and varies each year. Please consider the road restrictions when planning your spring construction project.  During the spring thaw, heavy vehicles can damage streets. To prevent this costly damage, the City of Lexington restricts the amount of weight allowed on streets during the critical period.

When will my street be plowed?
Our first priority is to clear the main thoroughfares to enable emergency vehicles access into and out of our city. Once they have been cleared, our crews begin clearing less traveled streets and cul-de-sacs.

Who do I call to report a sewage back-up?
Residents experiencing sewer back-ups should call 763-784-6849 (After hours, call the Centennial Lakes Police Department at their dispatch non-emergency number at 763-784-2501.  They will then contact our "on-call" staff. ). Our Public Works Department will determine if the sewer blockage is in the public sewer main or in the private sewer lines.  Blockages in private sewer lines are the responsibility of the property owner.

Who do I contact with questions on my sewer/water bill?
First, visit our utility billing webpage which provides many answers to questions on billing statements.  If your questions still are not answered, then contact Lexington City Hall.

Who provides gas and/or electricity to my home?
Your address location may dictate your provider. Properties located North of Woodland Rd generally have Connexus Energy for Electric service, click HERE for their website. Those to the the South use Xcel Energy. Their website is HERE . You can also check out the Electric Utility Service Map to verify your service company. 

Gas service in the city of Lexington is provided by CenterPoint Energy

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