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The Administration Department handles the day to day operations of the city.  A City Administrator is appointed by the Mayor and Council to direct the delivery of municipal services and provide expert advice on city operations. The City Administrator is responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the activities of all municipal operations. Additionally, the City Administrator hires personnel with Council approval, and performs activities as provided in the Municipal Code such as ensuring that all laws and ordinances are enforced and implementing policies established by the City Council.  Administration takes a leadership role in budget development, labor relations, goal-setting, and major development issues and projects.


Contact City Hall

Lexington City Hall entrance.
Lexington City Hall 
9180 Lexington Avenue
Lexington, MN  55014
Ph:  763-784-2792
Fax:  763-785-8951

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

© 2016, City of Lexington, Minnesota. All rights reserved.